COVID-19 Disease Prevention Plan (Pandemic Response Program)
- Objective
- The purpose of this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program is to provide an appropriate mitigation plan in response to a pandemic disease (bacterial or viral) by reducing or eliminating (where applicable) exposure to employees, subcontractor employees, vendors employees, and guests. This Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program should increase employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, and guest awareness of the pandemic disease (COVID-19) as well as communicate the appropriate mitigation plan. As a company, the ESCO Group is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests.
- A comprehensive response review shall be conducted by the Pandemic Response Coordinator after the pandemic concludes. Lessons learned shall be utilized to modify this plan.
- Scope
- The scope of this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program includes all employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests. This Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program will be implemented as a result of any pandemic disease (bacterial or viral) where employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, or guests have the potential for exposure.
- Definitions
- Close Contact- within 6 feet for 15 minutes or greater
- Disease – a disorder of structure or function in a human
- Pandemic – global outbreak of a disease (i.e. multiple continents or the world)
- Epidemic- regional outbreak of a disease (i.e. country or continent)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) – a viral pandemic disease that can cause respiratory illness and death. Symptoms include cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. In progressive cases, COVID-19 can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), kidney failure, and death
- CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (a federal agency)
- Quarantine – a state, period, or place of isolation
- Personal/Social Distancing – the practice of personal separation from individuals, groups, or large public gatherings aimed at reducing the potential spread of a disease
- Responsibilities
- All Employees, Subcontractor Employees, Vendor Employees, and Guests
- Responsible for adhering to all policies and procedures in accordance with this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program.
- Responsible for participating in all program policy and procedure training and training activities such as Pandemic Response (COVID-19) drills (i.e. handwashing, personal protective equipment, etc.).
- Supervisors/Pandemic Response Committee
- Responsible for assisting the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator in coordinating the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program.
- Responsible for assisting the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator in coordinating all program policy and procedure training and training activities such as Pandemic Response (COVID-19) drills (i.e. hand washing, personal protection equipment, etc.)
- Responsible for attending and participating in all Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Committee meetings.
- Authorized to order prescribed Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program response actions.
- Authorized to order immediate stoppage of all work activities where compliance with this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program is not followed or where pandemic response mitigation is deemed to be insufficient to safely reduce or eliminate exposure to employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests.
- Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Committee shall consist of supervisors, managers, executive management, Director of Safety Operations, Director of Human Resources, and majority owner(s).
- Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator
- The Director of Safety Operations or the Director of Human Resources shall serve as the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator if no other person is appointed by management.
- Responsible for completing pandemic-related workplace hazard assessments for all company locations including designated locations within client facilities.
- Responsible for coordinating and managing the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program.
- Responsible for maintaining and updating the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program.
- Responsible for coordinating all program policy and procedure training and training activities such as Pandemic Response (COVID-19) drills (i.e. handwashing, personal protective equipment, etc.), including scheduling of Pandemic Response (COVID-19) drills and Pandemic Response (COVID-19) drill type
- Responsible for coordinating all Pandemic Response (COVID-19) committee meetings and serving as the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) committee director.
- Responsible for appointing all Pandemic Response (COVID-19) roles and responsibilities.
- Authorized to order prescribed Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program response actions
- Authorized to order immediate stoppage of all work activities where compliance with this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program is not followed or where pandemic response mitigation is deemed to be insufficient to safely reduce or eliminate exposure to employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests.
- Authorized to order continuance or the return of any work activity where previously stopped in accordance with this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program.
- Report to local agencies as required for employee illness and injury.
- All Employees, Subcontractor Employees, Vendor Employees, and Guests
- Policy/Procedures
- Personal Exposure Assessment
- Prior to reporting to work, daily, employees should assess themselves for symptoms related to pandemic disease (COVID-19). Employees are encouraged to assess personal internal body temperature to ensure normal internal body temperature. No employee shall report to work that has a body temperature equal to or greater than 100.4° F. Employees shall be fever and symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours without the aid of medication prior to returning to work.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptoms
- Initial Symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Progressive/Emergency Warning Symptoms
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
- Initial Symptoms:
- Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Employee(s)
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest exhibits symptoms of a pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee will be removed from the work location, or should not report to designated work location, to prevent pandemic disease exposure to other employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, or guests.
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest is removed from a working location or does not report to work due to exhibiting symptoms of pandemic disease, the employee:
- Must notify their manager, Director of Safety Operations, and/or Director of Human Resources
- Needs to be tested for the pandemic disease (COVID-19)
- If the test result is negative, the employee will be allowed to return to work after 24 hours with no fever or symptoms without the use of medications
- If the test result is positive, the employee will be allowed to return to work after
- 5 days since symptoms first appeared and
- Wear a mask 5 days (through day 10 since onset of symptoms) regardless of vaccination status and
- 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
- Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving.
- Severe cases will require the full 10 days of isolation at minimum
- Asymptomatic cases will require employees to meet these criteria set forth by CDC:
- 5 days since symptoms first appeard
- Wear a mask 5 days (through day 10 since onset of symptoms) regardless of vaccination status
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest is removed from a working location or does not report to work due to exhibiting symptoms of pandemic disease, the employee:
- Contact Tracing will be conducted for all positive COVID-19 cases.
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest exhibits symptoms of a pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee will be removed from the work location, or should not report to designated work location, to prevent pandemic disease exposure to other employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, or guests.
- Personal Contact With Pandemic Infected Person
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest admits to being closely exposed (physical contact, sneeze, cough, etc.) to anyone with a confirmed (positive test) pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee will be removed from the work location, or should not report to designated work location, to prevent pandemic disease exposure to other employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, or guests.
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest is removed from a working location or does not report to work due to being closely exposed (physical contact, sneeze, cough, etc.) to anyone with a confirmed (positive test) pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee:
- Must notify their manager, Director of Safety Operations, and/or Director of Human Resources
- Quarantine Requirements for fully vaccinated employees OR had confirmed Covid-19 within the past 90 days:
- No quarantine required
- Monitor for symptoms for 10 days after last close contact with positive case
- Get tested for Covid-19 if symptoms are present
- Quarantine Requirements for unvaccinated employees:
- Avoid close contact with others, social distance, and wear face coverings.
- Quarantine begins on the last day of contact with the infected individual.
- The quarantine can end after 5 days (returning the 6th day) without testing if no symptoms related to Covid have been reported during daily monitoring.
- Wear a mask 5 days (through day 10 since the onset of symptoms).
- Contact Tracing will be conducted for all positive COVID-19 cases.
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest is removed from a working location or does not report to work due to being closely exposed (physical contact, sneeze, cough, etc.) to anyone with a confirmed (positive test) pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee:
- If an employee, subcontractor employee, vendor employee, or guest admits to being closely exposed (physical contact, sneeze, cough, etc.) to anyone with a confirmed (positive test) pandemic disease (COVID-19), the employee will be removed from the work location, or should not report to designated work location, to prevent pandemic disease exposure to other employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, or guests.
- Exposure Tracking (Contact Tracing)
- ‘Close Contact’ will be defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ‘Close Contact’ is within 6 feet of a person for 15 minutes or greater.
- Provide an exposure tracking program that allows for the proper notification for all affected personnel if a person does have a confirmed positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
- Self-quarantine will be required for 14 days if a person has ‘Close Contact’ with a confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 diagnosed person. This person will be considered to be a Tier 1 exposed person.
- Tier 2 exposed persons are those in ‘Close Contact’ with a Tier 1 person and are allowed to report to work as long as they self-monitor for symptoms and remove themselves from the work site at first sign and symptom.
- Communication Plan- Internal (Employee) and External (Client)
- Internal company communications will be disseminated by a member of the Pandemic Response Coordinator, Director of Human Resources, and/or Director of Safety Operations.
- Communication will be in the form of a company email, postings in common areas, and Pandemic Awareness training.
- Shall an employee contract a pandemic-related illness, all affected employees will be notified and will be required to follow ‘Exposure Tracking’ procedures outlined within this policy.
- Affected employees will be subject to a self-quarantine and will remain informed on a regular basis of a return to work plan status per the Pandemic Response Coordinator, Director of Human Resources, and/or Director of Safety Operations.
- Employees in quarantine shall receive permission to return to work from the Pandemic Response Coordinator, Director of Human Resources, and/or Director of Safety Operations prior to returning to work.
- Clients will be informed of any confirmed positive cases related to the pandemic disease that occurs on their property or personnel that is infected that has physically been on the client’s premises. Notification will not include the infected employee’s personal information. Duration of contact, location of contact, and dates of exposure will be provided.
- Complete and total shutdown of a project will be avoided if possible, however, a plan for returning to work shall be furnished to the client within one business day of project shutdown.
- Internal company communications will be disseminated by a member of the Pandemic Response Coordinator, Director of Human Resources, and/or Director of Safety Operations.
- Mitigation Plan
- Sanitation and Personal Hygiene
- Adequate and appropriate handwashing stations (permanent/plumbed and/or potable) will be made available at all employee work locations. Handwashing stations will include an adequate and appropriate supply of soap and water.
- Employees will be encouraged to wash hands thoroughly (minimum of 20 sec) frequently to reduce personal exposure to pandemic disease.
- Adequate and appropriate hand sanitizing stations will be made available at all work locations where access to handwashing (soap and water) is limited or not accessible.
- Employees will be encouraged to sanitize hands thoroughly (when handwashing with soap and water not available or easily accessible) frequently to reduce personal exposure to pandemic disease.
- Adequate and appropriate cleaning/sanitizing supplies (as recommended by the CDC) will be made available to assist infrequent cleaning of communicable surfaces (i.e. conference tables, lunch/break.
- Employees will be encouraged to acquire immunization once one becomes available.
- Communicable surfaces will be cleaned/sanitized as frequently as needed (i.e. beginning of day/shift, after lunch/breaks, end of day/shift) and as recommended by the CDC.
- Shared food and/or drink containers (i.e. water coolers, catered meals not individually packaged, etc.) will not be permitted at any work location to reduce/eliminate personal exposure to pandemic disease.
- Adequate and appropriate handwashing stations (permanent/plumbed and/or potable) will be made available at all employee work locations. Handwashing stations will include an adequate and appropriate supply of soap and water.
- Personal/Social Distancing
- Practice personal/social distancing with a recommended minimum separation distance of 6ft between employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests.
- Employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests will be encouraged to limit personal/social contact by eliminating usual handshaking, sharing of food/drinks, etc.
- Meetings/Trainings
- In-person meetings/trainings will be kept to a minimum and will only take place if warranted. Meetings/trainings will comply with any federal, state, or local authority regulations.
- In-person meetings/trainings, where warranted, will still comply with the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Personal/Social Distancing policy.
- Meetings/trainings, if possible, will be completed via teleconference capabilities (i.e. GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.) to reduce contact exposure between employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests.
- In-person meetings/trainings will be kept to a minimum and will only take place if warranted. Meetings/trainings will comply with any federal, state, or local authority regulations.
- Non-Essential Personnel
- Employee work locations will have limited access for non-employees and other non-essential personnel members. Unless the non-employee or non-essential personnel member access is considered absolutely necessary, the employee should not be allowed to access the work location.
- Non-essential personnel can include:
- Guests
- Vendor employees
- Subcontractor non-essential employees
- Non-essential employees
- Non-employee or non-essential personnel member access will not be allowed access without prior authorization by the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator or a Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Supervisor.
- Non-essential employees will be allowed to work remote from home, if possible. Authorization to work remote from home will be determined by the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator.
- Travel Guidelines
- All employee expectations for Social Distancing, hygiene, and personal protective equipment apply during employee travel. A full list of employee expectations can be found in ESCO Group’s COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan
- Employees are permitted to continue routine work-related travel to designated working locations unless otherwise instructed by the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator or a Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Supervisor.
- Employees that require overnight stays (hotels, motels, etc.) may be denied access to a client’s site if they do not allow such travel prior to site entry. This will be covered by the client in their passive screening process (series of questions prior to entry) as part of their exposure control plan.
- Non-essential travel shall be halted during the time of pandemic. This includes all conferences, continuing education, non-essential job meetings, and work that can be postponed.
- The appropriate “Essential Services” paperwork shall be acquired from the appropriate authority or client for all travel within states, regions, etc. that have adopted a “Shelter in Place” requirement.
- Employees will reduce, if possible, the number of travelers per vehicle in effort to ensure appropriate personal/social distancing. Face coverings will be required for situations that require more than one person in a vehicle.
- Employees traveling to non-routine work-related destinations or destinations where pandemic disease (COVID-19) is recognized to be heavily prevalent will receive authorization of travel prior to non- routine travel by the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator or a Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Supervisor.
- Non-routine travel to include:
- Employee non-primary work location
- Interstate travel (including by vehicle or air travel)
- Sanitation and Personal Hygiene
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptoms
- Prior to reporting to work, daily, employees should assess themselves for symptoms related to pandemic disease (COVID-19). Employees are encouraged to assess personal internal body temperature to ensure normal internal body temperature. No employee shall report to work that has a body temperature equal to or greater than 100.4° F. Employees shall be fever and symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours without the aid of medication prior to returning to work.
- Personal Exposure Assessment
- Pandemic Office/Facilities Phase Guidance:
- Phase 0:
- Complete office/facility closure- NO ADMITTANCE- NO DELIVERIES
- Facilities doors will remain locked.
- Employees are permitted to report to client sites as “Essential Service Provider” so long as the client allows.
- Phase 1:
- Office/Facility open to an employee on a “Need Basis”.
- Facilities doors will remain locked, employees shall badge in with each entry.
- ESCO’s Passive Assessment shall be completed before facility access is granted.
- Face coverings required for all employees and visitors upon entering the facility. Face covers may be removed once an employee enters their designated work area so long as they are working alone.
- Clients and Visitors require management approval prior to reporting to ESCO Group facilities. Non-Client visitors (family/friends) not allowed in the facilities.
- Deliveries allowed to designated area.
- Conference and fitness rooms closed. Cafeteria tables will allow one person per table (sanitize after use).
- No outside or non-work-related usage of the building allowed, i.e. reserving the common area for gatherings for non-work related events
- Criteria to be met by employee:
- Employees cannot perform essential job duties from their home or remote work location.
- Employee to complete ESCO’s Passive Assessment before going to a facility. This shall be completed each day that access is needed to a facility.
- Employees are required to badge into the facility each time that they enter.
- Approval received from business unit director.
- Complete ESCO’s “Employee Expectations” Training from ESCO’s “Exposure Control Plan”.
- Strictly follows above “Employee Expectations”. Employee’s access WILL be revoked if observed not complying with expectations.
- Phase 2:
- Office/Facility open to an employee on a “Want Basis”.
- Clients and Visitors require management approval prior to reporting to ESCO Group facilities.
- Facilities doors will remain locked, employees shall badge in with each entry.
- ESCO’s Passive Assessment shall be completed before facility access is granted.
- Face coverings required for all employees and visitors upon entry a facility. Face covers may be removed once an employee enters their designated work area so long as they are working alone.
- Clients and Visitors require management approval prior to reporting to ESCO Group facilities. Non-Client visitors (family/friends) not allowed in the facilities.
- Deliveries allowed to designated area.
- Conference and fitness rooms open with social distancing precautions and sanitation requirements to be followed. Cafeteria tables will allow one person per table (sanitize after use).
- No outside or non-work-related usage of the building allowed, i.e. reserving the common area for gatherings for non-work related events.
- Criteria to be met by employee:
- Employee to complete ESCO’s Passive Assessment before going to a facility. This shall be completed each day that access is needed to a facility.
- Employees are required to badge into the facility each time that they enter.
- Complete ESCO’s “Employee Expectations” Training from ESCO’s “Exposure Control Plan.
- Strictly follows above “Employee Expectations”. Employee’s access WILL be revoked if observed not complying with expectations.
- Phase 3:
- Office/Facility open to an employee on a “Required to Report Basis”
- Clients and Visitors require management approval prior to reporting to ESCO Group facilities.
- Facilities doors will remain locked, employees shall badge in with each entry.
- ESCO’s Passive Assessment shall be completed before facility access is granted.
- Face coverings required for all employees and visitors upon entering the facility. Face covers may be removed once an employee enters their designated work area so long as they are working alone.
- Clients and Visitors require management approval prior to reporting to ESCO Group facilities. Non-Client visitors (family/friends) not allowed in the facilities.
- Deliveries allowed to designated area.
- Conference and fitness rooms open with social distancing precautions and sanitation requirements to be followed. Cafeteria tables will allow one person per table (sanitize after use).
- No outside or non-work-related usage of the building allowed, i.e. reserving the common area for gatherings for non-work related events
- Criteria to be met by employee:
- Employee to complete ESCO’s Passive Assessment before going to a facility. This shall be completed each day that access is needed to a facility.
- Employees are required to badge into the facility each time that they enter.
- Employee business unit director suspends the work from home or remote work location allowance.
- Complete ESCO’s “Employee Expectations” Training from ESCO’s “Exposure Control Plan”
- Strictly follows above “Employee Expectations”. Employee’s access WILL be revoked if observed not complying with expectations. Strictly follows above “Employee Expectations”.
- Phase 4: Office facilities open without restrictions – Pandemic Response lifted.
- The goal of the “Phased” approach system is to control the amount of exposure to potentially COVID-19 and other illness-infected people for all employees. Additionally, the “Phased” approach will allow for business continuity if a large amount of the employee population is infected. Employees will be able to work remotely to maintain continuity.
- The “Phased” system may change as treatment, vaccination, and CDC recommendations are either modified or introduced.
- Employees that are classified by the CDC to be “High Risk” will be granted an extended work from home or remote location status as long as recommended by the CDC.
- Employees that are encountering dependent care conflicts may request further work from home or remote location status from their business unit director.
- Phase 0:
- Client Site Expectations:
- All “Employee Expectations” listed above apply to all ESCO Group employees working on a client’s site.
- Client expectations shall be adhered to while on a client’s site. This may include active screening processes or passive screening processes; additional personal protection requirements; and additional sanitation processes.
- Break areas and office trailer areas shall be designed to achieve appropriate social distancing guidelines set forth by the CDC.
- Project meetings, safety meetings, and team meetings shall be conducted only if social distancing can be achieved or telecommunication can be utilized.
- Common areas shall be sanitized frequently (before and after use).
- Additional handwashing and sanitation access and supplies shall be permitted in the field as long as the client allows.
- Clients and vendors shall be immediately notified of an outbreak within ESCO Group if the ability to meet demands are affected. Notification of business resumption shall take place after the outbreak subsides.
- Training
- Training shall consist of
- Personal hygiene
- Disinfecting and cleaning procedures
- Daily Personal Health assessments
- Illness prevention
- Prevention of spread of disease (at ESCO facilities or client facilities)
- Symptom recognition
- Testing requirements
- Illness notification requirement
- Contact tracing requirement
- Return to work policy
- Work phase expectations
- Employees who go to ESCO facilities
- Will receive Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training upon being hired and prior to beginning any work activities.
- New Hire Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training will be conducted by the Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Coordinator.
- New Hire Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training will consist of an in-depth review of the program policies and procedures to ensure competency in recognizing hazards and appropriate mitigation measures.
- Will receive refresher Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training upon identification of a pandemic disease (bacterial or viral).
- Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training will include program policies and procedures and Pandemic Response (COVID-19) skills such as handwashing, personal protective equipment, recognizing symptoms, etc.
- Annual Pandemic Response plan shall be reviewed via the weekly safety training process. All records will be saved and recorded. The annual review shall include a drill/test to confirm the plan and training effectiveness.
- Will receive Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training upon being hired and prior to beginning any work activities.
- Subcontractor Employees, Vendor Employees, and Guests
- Subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests will receive (when possible) Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training upon identification of a pandemic disease (bacterial or viral).
- Subcontractor employee, vendor employee, and guests will receive (when possible) Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training, include program policies and procedures and Pandemic Response (COVID-19) skills such as handwashing, personal protective equipment, recognizing symptoms, etc.
- Subcontractor employee, vendor employee, and guests Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training will be conducted by a Pandemic Response (COVID-19) Supervisor.
- Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program training will include program policies and procedures and Pandemic Response (COVID-19) skills such as handwashing, personal protective equipment, recognizing symptoms, etc.
- Training shall consist of