Safety Manual


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Aerial and Scissor Lift

AERIAL AND SCISSOR LIFT Purpose The purpose of the Aerial and Scissor Lift program is to ensure that all tasks requiring the use of aerial or scissor lifts are conducted in a safe manner to reduce or minimize personnel injury and/or property damage. Scope Using aerial and scissor lifts on the job can make the...

November 4, 2020

Air Handling and Usage

AIR HANDLING AND USAGE General Requirements When using air-operated hand tools the utmost caution must be taken in their application. Shut off air pressure before making any adjustments to air-operated hand tools. Be sure that air-operated hand tools are held with a firm grip when air pressure is turned on. If compressed air is used...

January 28, 2021

Ammonia Awareness

AMMONIA AWARENESS Purpose The purpose of this program is to raise employee awareness of ammonia; including the signs of exposure, hazards of exposure (including Permissible Exposure Limit) and recognition of ammonia process systems so employees can take utilize proper safe work practices to reduce exposure likelihood. ESCO Group educates employees to ensure they are not...

February 2, 2021

Arc Flash Clothing

ARC FLASH CLOTHING  Policy  The purpose of this policy is to assure that the employees of ESCO Group are given the proper attire to help protect against arc flash burns. Arc Rated (AR) clothing will be provided to each individual working on job sites. Note – Arc flash clothing is strictly for arc flash protection,...


ASBESTOS It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to implement the various requirements of the asbestos protection regulation as required by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to fulfill its obligations under 29 CFR 1926.1101 to implement a hazard and accident prevention...

February 19, 2021

Assured Grounding and Equipment Inspections

ASSURED GROUNDING AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS ASSURED GROUNDING Each foreman/supervisor in charge of a job shall implement the assured equipment grounding conductor program on construction sites covering all cord sets, receptacles (which are not a part of the building or structure), and equipment connected by cord and plug which are available for use or used by...

March 1, 2021


BARRICADES  Introduction  Our Company recognizes that the employees are our most valuable asset, and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our Company is firmly committed to the safety of our employees. The ESCO Group will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and is committed to providing a safe working environment...

Behavior Based Safety-Human Performance

BEHAVIOR-BASED SAFETY-HUMAN PERFORMANCE  Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of all ESCO Group employees through positive reinforcement of their observed safe work practices and behaviors. Employees receive extensive classroom training pertaining to applicable safety standards and safe work practices. Employees are then monitored in production and construction areas for applying...

March 9, 2021

Benzene Awareness

BENZENE AWARENESS Purpose The purpose of the ESCO Group Benzene Awareness program is to define safe work practices administrative procedures, and inform personnel of the dangers of benzene. Scope The program shall cover all personnel who may be exposed to benzene while performing their job task. This program shall be available on the job site...

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure

BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS EXPOSURE In accordance with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29CFR 1910.1030, the following exposure control plan has been developed. All employees may obtain a full description of the exposure plan by contacting the Safety Department.  Exposure Determination Exposure will be considered present during first aid assistance whenever blood or body fluids are present....

Cell Phone and Social Media Use

CELLULAR PHONE-SOCIAL MEDIA USE Introduction ESCO Group recognizes that employees are our most valuable asset and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our Company is firmly committed to the safety of our employees. ESCO Group will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and is committed to providing a safe working...

Company Owned Equipment Use

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of company owned equipment. Program ESCO Group’s Company Owned Equipment Use Policy applies to all work and permitted non-work activities that involve the use of company owned equipment. Definitions Catastrophic potential: Ability to cause death, serious injury or loss of infrastructure/utility services….

August 29, 2024

Confined Space Entry

CONFINED SPACE ENTRY The purpose of this program is to establish confined space entry procedures in accordance with OSHA regulations 1910.146 and 1926.1200 in order to protect employees who are required to enter confined spaces from hazards that could cause accidental injury or illness. The Confined Space Entry Program Coordinator, known hereafter as CSE Coordinator,...

March 9, 2021

Core Drilling Procedures

CORE DRILLING General Requirements All core drilling shall be approved by the owner of the facility and the ESCO project supervisor.  Prior to drilling all surfaces to be drilled into shall have an inspection done to confirm what is in the concrete and on the other side. Drilling into pre-stressed concrete requires further inspection, including...

Corrective Action Procedure

CORRECTIVE ACTION The corrective action procedure is designed to provide a consistent, flexible, and fair method of correcting problems created by those employees who fail to observe established rules of conduct and standards of performance. The objective of this procedure is: To assure fair and equitable treatment for all employees. To assure that a consistent...

COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan

COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan   Objective  The purpose of this Exposure Control Plan for COVID-19 is to provide an appropriate mitigation plan to reduce or eliminate COVID-19 exposure potential to employees, subcontractor employees, vendor employees, and guests. As a company, ESCO Group is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, subcontractor employees, vendor...

Covid-19 Pandemic Response Program

COVID-19 Disease Prevention Plan (Pandemic Response Program) Objective  The purpose of this Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program is to provide an appropriate mitigation plan in response to a pandemic disease (bacterial or viral) by reducing or eliminating (where applicable) exposure to employees, subcontractor employees, vendors employees, and guests. This Pandemic Response (COVID-19) program should increase employee,...

September 10, 2020

Cranes and Derricks

CRANES AND DERRICKS  General Requirements The employer shall comply with the manufacturer’s specifications and limitations. Rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds and special hazard warning or instructions shall be posted on all equipment and be visible from the operator’s station. Equipment shall be inspected before each use and all deficiencies corrected before further use. Accessible...

March 9, 2021

Crystalline Silica

CRYSTALLINE SILICA It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to implement the various requirements of the respirable crystalline silica protection regulation as required by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to fulfill its obligations under 29 CFR OSHA 1926.1153 to implement a...

Cylinder Handling and Storage

CYLINDER HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Cylinders Valve protection caps shall be in place and secured. When cylinders are hoisted, they shall be secured on a cradle, sling board or a pallet. They shall not be hoisted or transported by means of magnets or chocker slings.  Cylinders shall be moved by tilting and using a handcart...

Electrical Safe Work Practices

ELECTRICAL SAFE WORK PRACTICES   General Requirements  Purpose. The purpose of this program is to establish safe work practices and procedures for employees exposed to electrical hazards in the workplace. Scope. This program applies to all employees, contractors, subcontractors and personnel who may be exposed to electrical hazards. Responsibilities. ESCO Group Safety Director. The ESCO Group...

Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan

EMERGENCEY RESPONSE AND EVACUATION PLAN   Policy The ESCO Group Disaster Recovery Plan is designed to prepare employees and plan for any emergencies that may occur at or to a company-owned facility. The plan shall include the proper training, identify the areas of responsibility, assign personnel to necessary functions, obtain essential equipment and supplies to...

Employee Safety Duties

EMPLOYEE SAFETY DUTIES  ESCO GROUP EMPLOYEES SHALL: Conduct themselves in a manner to ensure: Their safety and wellbeing.  Safety and wellbeing for coworkers.  Protection of the public.  Protection of company, public and private property.  Employee health and wellbeing are important to ESCO Group. Follow all safety rules and regulations. All employees have the right to...

Energy Control Procedure(Lockout-Tagout)

ENERGY CONTROL(LOCKOUT-TAGOUT)  Purpose  The purpose of this procedure is to establish safeguards for the protection of employees and others, to prevent the unexpected, energization or start-up of machines or equipment, or release of stored energy which could cause injury to employees or others. To ensure whenever maintenance and serving is done, that all machines or...

Environmental Principles

ENIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES  Introduction It is ESCO Group’s policy to conduct its business in compliance with all applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations, and to apply responsible standards where such laws or regulations do not exist. These laws, regulations, and standards are designed to safeguard the environment, human health, wildlife and natural resources. Our...

Equal Employment Opportunity and Harassment

ESCO GROUP’S EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/HARASSMENT POLICY It is the policy of ESCO Group to assure that applicants and employees are treated without regard to their race, age, religion, sex, color, creed, national origin, or disability. Such action shall include: employment, Upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rate of pay or other...

Excavations Trenching and Shoring

EXCAVATIONS, TRENCHING, AND SHORING Prior to opening an excavation, effort shall be made to determine whether underground installation such as sewer, water, fuel and electrical lines are encountered and if so, where such underground installations are located. When the excavation approaches the estimated location of such installation, carefully probing or hand digging shall determine the...

Fall Protection

FALL PROTECTION ESCO Group will provide and install all fall protection systems required for an employee, before that employee begins the work that necessitates the fall protection.  General Requirements Scope: This written fall protection plan applies to all ESCO Group employees exposed to fall hazards 6 feet or more on ESCO locations or customer sites....

Fatigue Management

FATIGUE MANAGMENT  Purpose The purpose of this program is to manage employee fatigue to prevent injury or illness related to human error caused by exhaustion. Requirements  Employees shall be informed/trained on the requirements of this program. Supervisors are required to monitor workload, working hours and working conditions to adhere to this program. This will include...

Field Superintendent Safety Duties

FIELD  SUPERINTENDENT SAFETY DUTIES Duties  Be responsible for the safety of the employees under his or her supervision.  Plan work in such a manner as to eliminate hazards and complete the Hazard Identification and Control Measure method outlined with our Risk Assessment procedures outlined on ESCO Group’s Job Briefing process and the steps below: Conduct...

Fire Extinguisher

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS  Purpose The purpose of this program is to provide our employees with the skills and knowledge to select, use and inspect portable fire extinguishers as well as the training and education. Portable fire extinguishers are intended to be the first line of defense to extinguish incipient stage fires. Incipient stage fires are fires...

First Aid Kit and AED Policy

FIRST AID KIT AND AED POLICY  Purpose  The purpose of this policy is to guide the provision of first aid to people suffering injury or illness  First aid services are an important element of work health and safety, facilitating first initial treatment for: Injuries that may occur in the workplace.  Acute personal sickness that may...

Fit For Duty

FIT FOR DUTY Purpose The purpose of this program is to make employees aware of the requirements to be physically and mentally fit for duty. Employee Expectations and Requirements  Employees shall be physically able to perform assigned job functions. All employees shall be able to at a minimum complete tasks listed on the corresponding job...

Food Safety

FOOD SAFETY (GMP)  GMP Requirements for Food Industry  Good manufacturing practice or “GMP” is a term that is recognized worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing and the quality of food products. GMPs are guidelines that outline the aspects of production that would affect the quality of a product. Manufacturing processes are controlled, and...

Foreman Safety Duties

FOREMAN SAFETY DUTIES  General Requirements Be responsible for the safety of the workers under their supervision. Believe in safety, and transmit this belief to their employees. Be responsible for the training and instruction of new employees, temporary and other employees transferred to their supervision. Instruct all employees on the reporting of accidents and prompt seeking...


FORKLIFTS  Purpose  Our “Powered Industrial Truck Program” has been established in accordance with OSHA 1910.178 in order to establish operator certification, to establish safe operating procedures, and to establish minimum maintenance practices. Scope  This program applies to all employees having responsibility for operating or maintaining powered industrial trucks. A powered industrial truck is defined as...

General Requirements

ESCO GROUP GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General Requirements Every project shall comply with all safety regulations required by any state and federal agency under which such project may be accountable. Company project leaders (the persons in charge on the job site) are assigned the additional duties of Safety Engineer and, as such, are required to inspect and...

General Safety and Health

GENERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY As corporate officials, we consider accident prevention to be the utmost importance. Accident control involves the safety and well-being of our employees and the public, in addition to affection costs and profits. Management has every desire to provide a safe working environment for its employees. To accomplish this, it shall...

General Safety Rules

GENERAL SAFETY RULES  General Safety Rules  THINK – then act safely. Get full instruction on work to be done before starting a job. Anticipate possible dangers and plan work to avoid them. The use of necessary safety equipment, where required, IS MANDATORY. Do not use any equipment unless authorized to do so. Anyone deliberately misusing...


GFCI USE  General Requirements  A ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) is a protective device that compares the amount of current going into electrical equipment with the amount of current returning from the equipment and if a targeted deviation (0.005 amperes) is exceeded, the circuit is quickly broken, often within as little as 25 milliseconds. The GFCI, however,...

Group Housekeeping Rules

GROUP HOUSEKEEPING RULES  General Requirements During the course of construction, alteration or repairs, scrap material and all other debris shall be kept cleared from work areas, passageways and around buildings and other structures. Prior to starting a project, waste management procedures will be put into place. When handling, storing, and disposing of waste, proper procedures...

Hand and Power Tools

HAND AND POWER TOOLS  Purpose The purpose of this policy is to safeguard employees who encounter hazards involving hand and power tools. Program  ESCO Group’s Hand and Power Tools applies to all work where an employee may be occupationally exposed to different hand and power tools. It shall be ESCO Group’s policy that all hand...

Hazard Communication and PSM

HAZARD COMMUNICATION (HAZCOM) AND PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT (PSM)  Purpose The purpose of this program is to communicate the Hazard Communication Program to all company personnel. Objectives To safeguard our employees’ health by providing a management guide for compliance. To provide our employees with the necessary information concerning health and physical hazards of the chemical material...

Hearing Conservation

HEARING CONSERVATION ESCO Group’s Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) is required for all employees exposed to an 8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 dB or greater, and includes the following:  Noise Exposure Monitoring  A complete and up-to-date noise survey must be retained on record for at least two years. Please notify the ESCO Group’s Safety...

Heat Illness Prevention

HEAT ILLNESS PREVENTION  Purpose  Employees working outdoors or in areas of a facility where the risk factors for heat illness are present are at risk for developing heat illnesses if they do not protect themselves appropriately. The objective of this program is employee awareness regarding heat illness, signs and symptoms, ways to prevent illness, and...

Hexavalent Chromium Compliance

HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM COMPLIANCE Purpose The purpose of this hexavalent chromium compliance program is to help ensure that ESCO Group employee exposure levels to hexavalent chromium are accurately assessed, and that employees are not exposed to hexavalent chromium at levels that are above the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)(5 ug/m3 ). Where hexavalent chromium is present in...

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness

HYDROGEN SULFIDE AWARENESS Purpose  The purpose of this program is to reduce employee exposure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to below the Permissible Exposure Limit by means of engineering and work practice controls.  ESCO Group works to ensure that employees are not exposed to hydrogen sulfide above OSHA exposure limits at any time. Introduction  Hydrogen sulfide,...

Industrial Hygiene

INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE  Introduction  Employees shall be protected from environmental hazards during the course of their employment. Hazardous exposures that cause short-term adverse effects to health must be controlled.  Environmental health hazards may include conditions that cause legally compensable illness, or any conditions in the work environment that might impair the health of employees to the...

Injury and Illness Recordkeeping

INJURED AND ILLNESS RECORDKEEPING   Purpose  To establish a uniform method for injury and illness reporting and recordkeeping. Scope  This policy covers all ESCO Group employees, ESCO locations and customer locations. ESCO employees on company business are also included regardless of location (i.e. an automobile accident on a public road or business travel). This policy applies...

Job Site Safety Inspections

JOB SITE SAFETY INSPECTIONS The recognition and correction of unsafe conditions and unsafe practices is a continuing responsibility of the supervisor while making his regular rounds. Periodic safety inspections shall be conducted and recorded. Inspections shall take measures to reduce and eliminate occupational hazards associated with the work being performed. How frequently these inspections are...

Job Site Security

JOB SITE SECURITY   General Requirements  All tool boxes, trailers and temporary sheds shall be securely locked when leaving a job site at quitting time. All tools shall be placed in a locked storage compartment. If you have been operating equipment that cannot be placed in a locked equipment compartment, de-energize it and secure it safely...

Knife Use

KNIFE USE  General Requirements  To prevent injuries from the use of knives on the jobsite, ESCO Group will implement a knife use policy for all employees. Prior to starting any task that involves the use of a knife, the employee must determine whether or not the knife is the right tool for the job. If...

Ladder Safety

LADDER SAFETY It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to fulfill its obligations under 29 CFR 1926.1050 to implement its hazards and accident prevention program which addresses all of the hazards potentially present in the workplace. ESCO Group is committed to an effective ladder safety program. Background The final rule, published on July 1,...

Lead Standards

LEAD STANDARD It shall be the policy of ESCO Group to implement the various requirements of the lead exposure regulation as required by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Background  The interim final rule, published on May 4th, 1993, amends the OSHA standards for occupational health and environmental controls in Subpart...


LIGHTNING POLICY Purpose  The purpose of the Lightning Policy program is to ensure the safety of ESCO Group employees who are exposed to inclement weather containing lightning or weather that has the potential to contain lightning. Indoors  Employees working indoors during inclement weather containing lightning should make sure their building meets the following criteria: The...

Material Handling and Storage

MATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE Material Handling  Do not attempt to lift or move any material or equipment alone if there is any doubt in your mind about your ability to do so. Employees shall perform a hazard assessment to determine equipment or additional help required to move objects. Size up the weight of the material...

Mini Excavator

MINI EXCAVATOR Purpose Our “Mini-Excavator” has been established in accordance with OSHA 1926.602 in order to establish operator certification, to establish safe operating procedures, and to establish minimum maintenance practices. Scope This program applies to all employees having responsibility for operating or maintaining Mini Excavators. Responsibilities  The ESCO Group Safety Director is the administrator of...

Mobile Cart Inspection Log

Daily Mobile Cart Inspection Log

Occupational Injury and Illness

OCCUPATIONAL INJURY AND ILLNESS Purpose  To establish a uniform method for accident investigation and/or procedure for reporting near misses, injuries and property damage. The overall objective of this procedure is to establish a uniform method of accident investigation that will:  Reduce injuries and illnesses.  Identify potential hazards in the workplace.  Implement consistent reporting. Evaluate the...

Office Safety

OFFICE SAFETY  Introduction  The following sections provide general safety guidelines and procedures for office safety. ESCO Safety will perform, at minimum, one office inspection annually. The inspection will be documented on the ESCO Group Office Inspection Checklist and retained for a minimum of five years. Chairs Safety guidelines for office chairs include the following: Do...

OSHA Inspection

OSHA INSPECTION Periodically a representative from OSHA will make a visit to our jobsite. The following is information on preparation and procedures before and during the inspection. Preparation for Inspection In past years, OSHA has used the 300 Form as the basis for the inspection. In other words, if the statistics were favorable, only a...

Personal Protective Equipment

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT  Scope  This procedure covers ESCO Group employees working on ESCO Group property or customer sites. ESCO Group employees will follow all customer personal protective equipment requirements on customer sites. Selection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment  A written hazard assessment will be performed to determine if job site hazards are present, or...

Portable Radio

PORTABLE RADIO  Introduction Our Company recognizes that the employees are our most valuable asset, and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our Company is firmly committed to the safety of our employees. ESCO Group will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and is committed to providing a safe working environment...

Powder Actuated Tools

POWDER ACTUATED TOOLS General Requirements Only employees who have been trained in the operation of the particular tool in use shall be allowed to operate a powder actuated tool.  The tool shall be tested each day before loading to see that safety devices are in proper working condition. The method of testing shall be in...

Power Recording Procedure

POWER RECORDING  Employees Responsibility for Safety  Before proceeding with the Power Recording Procedure, all employees shall satisfy themselves that they can perform the work without injury. If they are assigned work they are not qualified to perform, they shall call this to the attention of the supervisor. Work on Energized Equipment Only qualified persons may...

Rail Safety Program

RAIL SAFETY PROGRAM Purpose  The ESCO Group Rail Safety Program has been established to provide guidelines to safely work on or near rail tracks within and outside of customer facilities. Scope  This program applies to all employees that may have to perform work within 8 feet of the centerline of railroad tracks or within 25...

Required Postings

REQUIRED POSTINGS Employers are required by state and federal laws to display certain posters prominently in the workplace. The general requirements and ordering points are listed below. Required Postings

Respiratory Protection

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Policy Statement  In our ongoing pursuit of a safe and healthful work place, ESCO Group has developed a Respiratory Protection Program to be followed by all employees required to wear respiratory protection to enhance the safety of their work environment. Administrative Responsibility  The ultimate responsibility for the administration of this program shall lie...

Return to Work Program

ESCO Group Modified Duty Return to Work Program and Electrician Job Description In fulfilling the company’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment, ESCO Group has a Return to Work Program for those employees who have experienced a workplace injury or illness. All non-work-related injuries are excluded from this program. ESCO Group is...

Safety Responsibility

SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to provide a hazard free workplace and comply with the occupational safety and health standards, rules and regulations issued under the act. This same federal law (OSHA) requires an employer to reprimand, and even discharge employees, who violate OSHA and company safety rules...


SCAFFOLDS  Introduction Our Company recognizes that the employees are our most valuable asset and the most important contributors to our continued growth and success. Our company is firmly committed to the safety of our employees. ESCO Group will do everything possible to prevent workplace accidents and is committed to providing a safe working environment for...

Stop Work Policy

STOP WORK PROGRAM  Employees are provided Stop Work Authority training before the initial assignment. The training will then be documented including the employee name, the dates of training, and the subject. Stop Work is the authority and obligation to suspend work when health, safety, and environmental risks are not understood or have not been clearly...


Stretching Program

Subcontractor Safety Enforcement

SUBCONTRACTOR SAFETY ENFORCEMENT  Our subcontractors formally agree when they sign our subcontract agreement, to live up to the ESCO Group Safety Program. Before commencement of work, a copy of the ESCO Group Safety Program will be made available upon request. Subcontractor Management Plan The ESCO Group is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace...


TROUBLESHOOTING General Requirements  Troubleshooting is a complex task that we need to take time and verify to make sure we do not damage any equipment or hurt anyone. The most important thing that we need to do is to take a risk assessment of what you are going to be troubleshooting. Identify the electrical hazards...

Universal Waste Program

UNIVERSAL WASTE PROGRAM Purpose The ESCO Group Universal Waste Program has been established to provide guidelines to safely dispose of and store materials that have a potential to pose a risk to our employees. Scope This program applies to all employees that may have to store or dispose of fluorescent and other non-incandescent lamps, light...

Vehicle Fleet Safety

VEHICLE FLEET SAFETY & USAGE Policy  The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive for company purposes (company vehicles and/or personal vehicles) and to provide guidance on the proper use and issuance of vehicles. Vehicle accidents are costly to our company, but more importantly, they may result in...

Welding Operations

WELDING OPERATIONS Purpose  The purpose of the ESCO Group Welding Operations program is to establish safe work procedures for the protection of our employees and others who may be affected by the hazards during welding operations. Such hazards as arc flash or radiation, burns, electric shock, exposure to fumes and gases, fire and explosion hazards,...

Working Alone

WORKING ALONE  General Requirements ESCO Group has the responsibility for the health and safety of all of their employees and for the health and safety of those affected by work activities. These responsibilities cannot be transferred to any other person, including those individuals who work alone. Employees have responsibilities to take reasonable care of them...

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